Thursday, September 09, 2004

Muaythai in Singapore

Muaythai is an up-and-(hopefully) coming sport in Singapore.

These are the people and places in Singapore where you can get some Thai kick-boxing training:

Alvin Seet
Alvin started training in muaythai at the age of 16. He moved to Thailand to pursue a professional fight career in 1998. He returned to Singapore to work as a trainer in 2000 and used to teach at Turf City. In 2003, he struck out on his own. His students say that his training is rather unstructured but that he's a good teacher. Training is at various locations.
Contact details:
HP: (65) 9338 7845

BXG Fitness
Joe are the 2 main trainers (and co-owners) at BXG. They both have had training and fighting experience in Thailand. BXG has a more structured programme for men, women and children, air-conditioned training conditions, a proper boxing ring, bags, showers and thus a largely expat or local professional clientele.

Joe in action

Taken off the BXG website

Courses and costs:
BXG Muaythai basic
Learn the fundamentals of punchingand kicking. Each session builds on the basic techniques of the art of muaythai while building fitness and muscle tone at the same time. Sessions are interactive and at the end of the course, one will be proficient enough to execute a simple heavy-bag routine and kick-pad routine. Muaythai basic has minimal contact. $290 for 12 sessions x 60min

BXG Muaythai fighting fit - Ideal for the fitness devotee and leisurely muaythai kickboxer
Specially designed for graduates of Muaythai basic who are focused on attaining and maintaining their optimal fitness level. The fighting fit sessions include a variety of rigorous kickboxing circuits performed in conjunction with other strength-training techniques including core-strength/stability training. The fighting fit sessions are aimed at challenging one's stamina and endurance. This class is aimed at encouraging people to keep fit and upgrade their kickboxing techniques and routines. $220 for blocks of 10 sessions x 75min

BXG Muaythai fighter - Designed for the serious muaythai kickboxer
For graduates of muaythai basic who are proficient with all the basic techniques but want to sharpen their kickboxing techniques and take on semi-contact sparring. The fighter series is suitable for those who are interested in further developing their interest and proficiency in muaythai as a martial art. While the fighter program is physically demanding, the main objective of the course is to develop complex techniques, speed, agility and control. S$330 for blocks of 12 sessions x 75min

BXG Muaythai advanced - Great for the muaythai aficionado
For graduates of muaythai fighter series who want to go on the master application of the master techniques of muaythai. This advanced class is physically very demanding and involves full-contact sparring. S$280 for blocks of 10 sessions x 75min
Contact details:
Address: 902 East Coast Parkway, Big Splash Aquatic Complex, Singapore 449874
Tel: 6348 8380

Lena Ng
Rumour has it that this is the well-known and fiery trainer from the former East Coast muaythai training centre (now taken over by BXG Boxing). She's got a muaythai instructor certificate from the World Muay Thai Council and has been coaching muaythai since 1999. She's currently coaching at Tanglin CC.

Muaythai Fitness
Haven't checked this one out personally. Their website claims that they are the "one and only officially recognised muaythai club in Singapore".
Contact details:
Address: 200 Turf Club Road #02-06A Singapore 287994
Tel: 6469 2777 or 6469 7523